Introduction To This Blog

Welcome to this blog. As you can tell by my username, I am a huge fan of classic movies, particularly comedies and animation and very much enjoy talking about them. Basically this blog will serve as a place for me to review whatever I feel like reviewing at the moment. I do enjoy modern movies as well and may talk about that every now and then, though for now I will focus mostly on films of the past. Currently, I’m planning on starting to review the Abbott and Costello film series as my first reviews on this blog, so hopefully I can do at least one of those as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that I am not particularly great at keeping a regular schedule, so I’m not going to keep any promises on how much content at a time you can expect. Also, if you agree or disagree with any of my opinions on these movies, feel free to talk about your thoughts in the comments. I enjoy hearing different perspectives and would enjoy having some discussion on these in the comments whenever I get a chance. The only thing that I will not tolerate in the comments section is rudeness, and that applies to me and other commenters.

So, for the very few of you reading this, thank you for your time and I hope to be able to post on at least a semi-regular basis.


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