Africa Screams (1949)

With a supporting cast that includes Shemp Howard, Max and Buddy Baer, and future Abbott and Costello Show regulars Hillary Brooke and Joe Besser, one would think that Africa Screams is better than it is. That's not to say that Africa Screams is necessarily a bad film; just an underwhelming one.

Buzz Johnson (Abbott) and Stanley Livingston (Costello) work at a book store. When Diana Emerson (Hillary Brooke) expresses interest in a book containing a map in it, Buzz and a reluctant Stanley take the opportunity to accompany her on an expedition to Africa, as Stanley has read the book that she was looking for and supposedly remembered the map. Along the way, Stanley is followed by a gorilla that he unintentionally saved and the duo continues to annoy the members of the expedition, which also includes famous animal trainer Clyde Beatty, nearsighted hunter Gunner (Shemp Howard), and the whiny Harry (Joe Besser).

The main problem with this film is Abbott and Costello themselves. The success of Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein must have really hit hard, because this film also relies specifically on Costello's wild takes. This would be fine, except what they're allowed to do is extremely limited. They reuse the same joke of Costello bragging about his explorations in front of the people he claimed to be exploring with, for example. Africa just isn't a good setting for these kinds of wild takes. Sure, there are lots of wild animals there, but how many times can you keep showing Costello get scared of wildlife and actually have it be funny? Yeah, they change things up towards the end, but what for? African cannibals? That definitely hasn't aged well.

Abbott's pretty annoying in this film as well. Let me tell you, it's a bad sign when the film makes me want to root for Max and Buddy Baer getting rid of him. He just constantly repeats his love for the diamonds. There's also a dumb scene where he decides to hide the diamonds, because they're being chased and he thinks it's all because they want his diamonds. OK, fine, but then why does he go back so soon? Wasn't the whole point to wait until after everyone stops chasing them? Why would he go back while they're still within sight?

OK, OK, this film really isn't all that bad. The supporting cast I mentioned earlier does do a pretty good job. Shemp having to keep an eye on Costello, Joe trying to put out the fire in his tent. There are genuinely good moments thanks to them, but their parts are just so limited. For what it's worth, Abbott and Costello do have a few good scenes. The most notable is the scene where Abbott is under the impression that Costello has died and begins to regret everything he did. Keep in mind, this gag was reused from the far superior Abbott and Costello in Hollywood, but it does work just as well here. I'll also admit that I do like the idea of the gorilla following Costello around throughout the entire film. It's funny and kind of sweet at the same time.

Africa Screams does have some moments, but overall leaves a lot to be desired. The jungle setting is kind of cool, but would have definitely benefited from being shot in color (yes, I know there's a colorized version out there, but I'm not fond of the colorization process). A curiosity for sure, especially since it's the only time Shemp Howard and Joe Besser worked together (Besser would replace Shemp in the Three Stooges after his death). However, if you're super excited to see this, be prepared for some major disappointment.

5 out of 10


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